We are a dog family.

We have a schnoodle and love puppies. At a visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC, this spare brush painting from Japan engaged me on a deep emotional level. I loved it. I wanted to jump right into the scene.
Puppies are an excellent subject for artistic masterpieces.
We love learning about how dogs think and act. We love to challenge our dog with tricks and dig trails for him in the snow and play hide and seek in the house. We’ve taken him to scent training and the agility course at our local animal shelter.
Dogs can learn words.
Dogs can help people who are blind, people who have seizures, people who have disabilities.
Dogs can find things that are hidden.
Dogs are so fun, comforting, and smart. They know the difference between people and dogs. They think, “I am a dog, that is not a dog.”
I recently learned that cats can’t tell the difference between people and cats. They think, “I am a cat, that is also a cat.”
I find that difference between dogs and cats absolutely fascinating. I’m thinking about how to write about this difference for kids.
I don’t know a lot about cats, but I would love to learn.
I’m reading the book Cat Sense. But I also want to hear your stories.
So what is something special, funny, amazing, unique, or irritating your cat does? Please share it with me and who knows, it could be included in this new story!