Earlier this summer, I entered the WOW! Spring Flash Fiction Contest with my story “Sargassum.” In late July, the same day I learned about my Pen Parentis fellowship, I received an email from WOW! letting me know I was a Finalist! I was thrilled. The panel of first round judges loved the story. But I still had to wait and see what the guest judge thought of my story.
A few weeks later I learned I was in the top ten! Again a moment of delight. And then the winners were announced and I was so proud to be chosen a Runner-Up in the contest.

I am in excellent company. I’ve read almost every story that won, and I love them. You can read through all of the Spring Flash Fiction winning stories here or skip to read “Sargassum” here.
I can’t thank the team at WOW! enough. Writing fiction is hard. But the team supports writers with useful information and a chance to get their stories out there and get the encouragement to keep going. Just read the note they send with my Amazon gift card:

I have participated in this contest several times and always find the critiques to be useful. If you are a fiction writer who enjoys writing flash, send in your story!