Need some ideas for bored kids? Many years ago, I sold an essay to Family Fun magazine about a “what to do” idea cube. My kids took an old box and covered it with construction paper. They wrote six ideas, one of each side of the cube. They rolled the cube and voila, they did the activity. Give it a try if your kids are bored. Here are some ideas of what to write on the cube.
Food Activities
- Try a new food.
- Cook something for someone else.
- Invent a recipe.
Creative Activities
- Invent a character. Describe what they like, don’t like, how they look, their fears, their loves.
- Draw a map.
- Create an invention.
- Trace a shadow then fill it with a new drawing.
Nature Activities
- Make a map out of natural elements (leaves, twigs, rocks, etc.)
- Make a portrait with natural elements.
- Close your eyes and listen to sounds outdoors. Write down what you hear.
Solo Activities
- Read a new book.
- Do a jigsaw puzzle.
- How long can you balance on each leg?
- Write a letter to a friend or family member.
Extreme Solutions
- Clean something.
- Do something you don’t like to do.
- Fix something that is broken.