Big Ideas

More writing tips that are all about success

When you want to be a writer, the first step is to sit down and write. But then what? You can’t write a book all in one sitting. (Well, you can write a picture book in one sitting. But then you revise it for months, am I right?) It can be hard to get that… Read more »

Writing is a lot like Birding

Writing is a lot like birding. It’s great to be in a critique group, you can learn so much. But most writing you have to do on your own. And you can learn so much birding with others. But at some point, you have to learn to identify the birds on your own. Sometimes you… Read more »

How to Be a More Productive Writer

Did you already part 1 “Tips to help you Write More”? No? Check it out here! OK readers, you’re looking for more tips on how to be a productive writer. You already know that you need to set aside time on a regular basis – something even I am having trouble doing right now! But… Read more »

Tips to Help You Write More

Are you having trouble writing? Not sure how to get started? Looking for tips to help you write more? I do a lot of writing. Every day. And I do a lot of reading about writing. Every so often I read a book with advice on writing. These books usually have really great tips in… Read more »

Learning Something New and the Women’s World Cup

I love watching soccer, all kinds of soccer at all levels. Our whole family does! We go to local games for our rec teams, cup teams, our local USL team the Riverhounds, even MLS teams like Columbus Crew. And we took a family trip to see EPL teams Liverpool, Leeds, Man U and Everton. And… Read more »

Some Free Critique Advice

I’m in several critique groups and I try to really provide useful, actionable feedback for my partners. I thought you might like to read some useful, actionable feedback that YOU can use on your story. Yes, these comments are for other writers writing other books, but if you think about them in general terms you… Read more »

Should I hire a professional editor for my book?

You’ve written the final draft of your book, and you’re so proud. You want to submit it to that dream agent RIGHT NOW! You’ve revised it, used the “find” tool to go through the whole manuscript and delete unnecessary words, you’ve worked on showing, not telling, and you’ve even come up with a great pitch…. Read more »

Super helpful suggestions from my critique partners!

I am so grateful for the super helpful suggestions I get from my critique partners. It can be so hard to find a great critique group. At a creativity meeting back in March, a friend said to me that they tried out a new group and felt a little frustrated that people were too nice… Read more »

My Life as a Writer, or a Writer’s World of Work

  This little sketch of the Earth with tiny satellites orbiting it is a model of my life as a writer. Well, it’s the model my husband suggested to me. We were at breakfast and I was telling him about the projects I had sent to my agent, the one I was working on now,… Read more »