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Author visit Elizabeth Pagel-Hogan 2023
2023 Rates
- Presentations are 40 min including Q&A, time can be adjusted as needed for school schedules.
- Presentations are best suited for classrooms. For a larger group presentation, please email me to discuss at
- Single virtual presentation is $150. Single in-person presentation is $200.
- A full virtual day (2 morning, 2 afternoon, and a lunch bunch) is $600.
- A full in-person visit (2 morning, 2 afternoon, and a lunch bunch) is $800.
- Travel fees will be added for schools outside the Greater Pittsburgh area.
- Students can order signed books in advance. Please email me for details at
Bring a Creative Club to your school for an hour, an after school club, or a month-long workshop!

Email me for more info on Creative Club!
Creative Club
Creative Club is perfect for kids who love to tell their own stories. Each session we learn about a different kind of picture book, then make our own version.
We’ll cover:
- Counting books
- Wordless stories
- Concept books
- Interactive Books
- Having fun with mistakes
- This camp is great for kids in grades 1-6.
Creative Camp can be from a single session to five consecutive sessions. Sessions last one hour. Each session is $150 and can accommodate up to 15 campers. Creative camp works as a virtual workshop or an in-person workshop. It’s great for homeschoolers, unschoolers, and kids in school!
Teacher feedback on an author visit about The Science and Technology of Leonardo da Vinci:
“Elizabeth thoroughly engaged the students through active participation and her knowledge.”
“Our students are still talking about this presentation almost a month later! Elizabeth is engaging and funny, and really connected with our students. She also shared information about DaVinci beyond what the students generally knew which was neat.”
Feedback from students in Creative Camp:
“This camp was super fun and the teacher is really great!” —4th grader
“I love seeing the stuff they are making, they are really enjoying it!”—Parent of 7th and 8th grader