freelance writing

Word Choice is Key

The language and words we choose show if we’re locals or tourists – and if we know what we’re talking about. When you visit New York City, you want to go to “the Hi Line” not “Hi Line Park.” And if you’re looking for good Cuban food you ask the taxi driver to take you… Read more »

Bauhaus Advice for Writers

On a recent trip to Germany, I visited the Bauhaus Archive/Museum of Design in Berlin. I wasn’t expecting to find great writing advice while on holiday, but there it was, in a summary of the instructional style of weaving master Benita Koch-Otte. She advised students in her weaving workshop to work for “Utility and economy in… Read more »

Face to Face Networking Pays Off for Writers

“How do you find clients to write for?” people often ask. They must think writers like me stay in their PJs all day at home hammering away on the keyboard. I’m always honored to be a guest poster on Make a Living Writing and my recent post 4 Random Ways One Freelance Writer Networked and Found… Read more »