
Summer Writing

Summer writing is different from school year writing for me. This summer, it’s been hard to find time to sit down and write. For me, once I get in my chair, I tend not to get out again. I get sucked in, absorbed, and I neglect other things like eating, moving and people. That kind… Read more »

Tasty Buckets for Writers

My friend and fellow writer Beth Skwarecki attended the 2014 National Association of Science Writers Conference and returned with these notes as a souvenir. I’m sharing them unedited for your investigative pleasure. TASTY BUCKETS Define your “tasty buckets.” Not every project has to fill all the buckets, but on balance they should all get filled. MONEY… Read more »

Reading Goals for 2015

In 2015 I plan to read 100 books. While that total number of books may seem high for some people, but the goal itself seems straightforward, right? Wrong. Debate 1: Does it count as having read a book if you listened to an audio book? It turns out people don’t actually agree on what counts as… Read more »