I love big rewards and I love reading, so this summer, we are going to tackle Scholastic’s Summer Reading BINGO. I loved doing these activities as a kid and yes, I force my kids to do them, too. But I don’t have to force too hard. I would like to find a math version of this kind of project because we need to keep those skills sharp, too.

Reading offers big rewards already and luckily in this family, we don’t need a lot of incentive to read books. But over the summer, it’s fun to tackle these kinds of challenges and reward yourself by reading and celebrating. And don’t forget to chat about the books you’ve read with friends (book club!).
After presenting the idea to the boys, they decided to work on one card together. Every time someone completes a square, they can record the name, book title and date of the person who worked hard for their big reward. Sometimes, they want to take a short cut and find the easy way out, so I had to designate a start date of May 26, the last day of school.
Small Rewards
I know they can easily complete one row, column, or diagonal. So I’m going to offer them a small reward for completing one of those.
I think the small rewards would be a game of miniature golf, or a hike to the local waterfall, or even a visit to the zoo.
What would be your small reward?
Big Rewards
I don’t want them to stop once they’ve completed one row or column. So to keep them motivated, I’m going to offer a big reward if they complete the entire card.
My idea of big rewards are things like a trip to Kennywood, or Sky Trails, or Climb North.
What would be YOUR big reward for completing a card?
One day, I’d love one of my books to be on a young reader’s summer reading Bingo card. That would be a pretty cool reward for me.