
Three Movies that Are Great at Dropping Clues about Characters

3 (Three) 3 Are you working foreshadowing into your story? OK, good, but are you doing it in a clever way? Consider this example I just read online. “Foreshadowing is a warning of a future event through context clues in storytelling. In a movie like Jurassic Park, the foreshadowing is subtle. When the helicopter is… Read more »

Three Things That I Give My Critique Partner When I Share a Story

I’m a member of some fantastic critique groups. I’m actually in three groups that meet regularly, two over zoom and one in person. I love these groups, and I feel like my critique partners give me some fantastic advice. You can read about their advice on creating characters here, on tightening the focus of my… Read more »

Three Things that Help Me Be Creative that Aren’t Writing

  When you’re writing a story, any kind of story, including graphic novels, nonfiction, news articles, funny stories in a text to your best friend – WHATEVER!!! – you want to be creative. At least, I want to be creative. I hope you do, too! But creativity can be hard to turn on some days…. Read more »

Three Things to Help You Write A Better Story that AREN’T Writing

  In this month’s post, I’m going to share three things to help you write a better story thatAREN’T writing. There’s a lot of writing advice out there about how to write better that are focused on actual writing. Things like dialogue, voice, and clarity. And those are incredibly important parts of writing. But sometimes… Read more »

12 Days of Revision – Day 12

12 Days of Revision Search the document for overused filler words like just, should, Once, I used the word shrugged 117 times.  Search the document and double-check your their, there, you’re, your, where, were. Does the first scene deliver your story promise? Are all of these characters necessary?  Write out all of the letters of… Read more »

Share a School Visit

Author Visit Info I’ve updated my school visit flyer and postcard – if you know teacher who would love a school visit, please share! Downloadable PDF Postcard: Author Visit Postcard Elizabeth Pagel-Hogan Downloadable PDF Flyer: Author visit with Elizabeth Pagel-Hogan

November Gratitude

I’m really thankful for all the incredible experiences I have this year. I’m going to take time this month to appreciate them and think back on the fun I’ve had with friends and family. I’m not doing NaNoWriMo this month, but I will probably do a version of “Outline Some Story Ideas and Figure Out… Read more »

Signing a New Book Contract

Last week, I signed a new book contract, and I am thrilled. This book is really special and while I don’t have all the details to share right now, I hope you’ll join me in celebrating. Every book contract is cause for celebration, but this one is special. In many ways this story started when… Read more »

More writing tips that are all about success

When you want to be a writer, the first step is to sit down and write. But then what? You can’t write a book all in one sitting. (Well, you can write a picture book in one sitting. But then you revise it for months, am I right?) It can be hard to get that… Read more »