I’m so pleased to announce that the new version of Thanks: 100 Wonderful Ways to Appreciate Volunteers is now available on Amazon. This ebook is a handbook full of concrete suggestions for any volunteer manager or leader who needs creative, thoughtful ways to show their gratitude for the hard work volunteers provide. I’ve been on both sides… Read more »
Three ways to thank teachers (or anyone) on National Teacher Day
Tomorrow is National Teacher Day – time to thank teachers! My oldest is in second grade and he wanted to write a real thank you note. “But what should I say? I can’t just write thanks,” he panicked. So I told him a thank you note is easy to write if you keep three things… Read more »
Gilda’s Club Name Change?
How do you feel about the imminent change starting in the Madison Gilda’s Club organization to the Cancer Support Community? To me, it feels a little like someone not interested in explaining their brand and instead choosing a name that is more SEO-friendly. But I could be wrong. Language and word choice is very important… Read more »