Are Grumpy Kids Driving You Crazy?

The Bumpy, Grumpy Road, available in paperback & e-book

Mine was, and sometimes still does. But as a mom, I am always looking for the solution that fits the personality of each child (much the same way I work with clients). And as a writer, I know a well-told story can really convince a potential customer to become a satisfied client. So I combined both perspectives and wrote my first children’s book for my grumpy son. It’s called The Bumpy, Grumpy Road.

It tells the story of a boy named Dylan who drives a car. As he makes bad choices (angry words and behavior) his road gets very bumpy and unpleasant to drive. As he makes better choices, the road gets easier. I used this story to illustrate to my son that our actions and attitudes are choices. We can choose the easy road, or the hard. He really got it.

And after FamilyFun magazine printed my essay about the story, other parents wrote to me that their children understood the concept, too.

Never underestimate the power of a well-told tale!