General writing

What Would Your Character Do? The Creek

Scenario: Your character arrives at a creek. The water is fast but not deep. How well do you know your character? What would they do? Stay high and dry on the bank? Explore the muddy shores? Venture out onto the rocky peninsula? Fall in accidentally? On purpose? Would they not even know what a creek… Read more »

Writing Weekend

This is a big writing weekend! On Saturday, I’m heading to an SCBWI workshop exploring diversity in children’s writing. I’m really looking forward to learning from the two exciting speakers at the event. They are Lorian Tu, an illustrator, and Brittany Thurman, an author. There’s still time to register for this event and add it… Read more »

Write Anywhere

I will write anywhere. You never know when inspiration will strike.I usually carry a little notebook with me and I always have my phone and my laptop. I used to have a small bluetooth keyboard by Zagg that made it easy for me to type on my phone fast. It was wonderful for when I… Read more »

Rejections and Acceptances in Writing 2018

I like to keep track of my writing rejections and acceptances by year. Sometimes when I’m feeling frustrated, just knowing I have submitted ideas, stories, and projects gives me a boost. I use Numbers to track my submissions, but I also use an old-fashioned paper notebook. The paper notebook might be my good luck charm,… Read more »

Children’s Illustration Class

I’m taking a children’s illustration class and it’s scary. It’s class hosted by our local arts center, the North Hills Center for the Arts. The teacher isn’t scary. Our instructor is Jeanine Murch and she does some lovely work! I’m especially excited to learn about lettering from her. The other people in the class aren’t… Read more »

Creative Boost: Visiting a Haunted Library

I like trying new things, they give me a creative boost. I think it’s essential to get out of my comfort zone so I can think about the world differently, learn about new perspectives, and be more creative in general. One small way I learn about new things is to visit new places. Sometimes I… Read more »

Kids Writing Club in 2019

When I was in seventh grade, I got permission from my teacher to produce a literary magazine at my school. Me and several other kids typed up stories and poems and then I ran off copies on a mimeograph machine, the kind with the purple ink that people loved to smell. This year, I’m revisiting… Read more »

Get Story Ideas by Brainstorming

I get story ideas in wonderful places. Listening to people talk, watching the news, listening to songs. Another way I get story ideas is from other writers. I have a lot of fun working as a writing coach. I work with a young man who wants to write some scary, scary stories. He loves Stephen… Read more »

Writing Puns is Fun

I love writing puns and I love writing with puns. Over Thanksgiving, I brought a new game to play with my family called Punderdome. I found this game at Riverstone Books, my favorite local bookstore. I’m very lucky that the family was willing to give it a try, even my 13 year old son got… Read more »

Tell a Story in One Sentence

If you’re writing a story, there are lots of things you need to know how to do. You need to know how to create interesting characters. You need to know how to write dialogue. You need to know how to build tension. You need to know how to write a good ending. Once you’ve got… Read more »