General writing

ONLINE – Summer Story Camp – Pictures and Words

Summer Story Camp  Pictures and Words **Online!** Summer Story Camp – Pictures and Words is for creative kids grades 3 and up.  Each camp is limited to 10 campers.  All meetings will happen over Zoom. Each day we will learn about a different kind of picture book. Campers will create their own book (or “dummy”)… Read more »

ONLINE – Summer Story Camp – Big Ideas

Summer Story Camp  Big Ideas **Online!** Summer Story Camp – Big Ideas is best for creative kids grades entering 5-8. (Younger campers can check out Summer Story Camp – Pictures and Words Each camp is limited to 10 campers. All meetings will happen on Zoom. We will brainstorm and create new elements of stories each… Read more »

Ross Writing Club Story Collection 2 Now Available!

Every winter, I work with students at a local elementary school in an after school writing club. For six weeks we meet, discuss writing, share ideas, learn how to critique, and work towards a finished version of a two page short story. Then I gather up the stories and publish them in a book. (“It’s… Read more »

Online Resources for Children’s Writers and Illustrators

We are stuck at home. There are a lot of resources being shared for children. But there are many online resources for children’s writers and illustrators. SCBWI is offering many webinars. Some are members-only benefits, some are available to all. Make sure you check out the webinars being offered by regions around the globe.… Read more »

But For Now…

But For Now Not so long ago, things were one way. For now, they are different.  Before, we pumped our swings as high as the clouds. Soon, we’ll slide so fast our hair stands up.  But for now we’ll play in other ways. (On couch cushion obstacle courses.) We used to sprint and shout “Tag,… Read more »

A Waterfall (and no words)

My creative well is feeling a little empty. Maybe yours is, too. Here’s a peaceful waterfall to help you refill.

Don’t ask authors for free visits – and don’t do them for free!

Take a look at the income survey results from Authors Guild. Authors don’t make a lot of money writing books. We usually juggle lots of different types of work. At the same time I was writing my seven recent projects I was teaching two different writing classes. I was also doing marketing for school… Read more »

New publication!

I’m so excited to share my new story in Highlights for Children! (March 2020)

Join in Nonfiction Fest this February

I joined Nonfiction Fest this month, and I’m already learning a lot. Nonfiction Fest is organized by a great group of nonfiction writers that call themselves the Nonfiction Chicks. Basically, I read a post a day to learn something incredible. There’s also an activity grid with helpful tasks to keep us nonfiction writers working. Here’s… Read more »

Medical Mishaps and Gadget Disasters!

Now available!   Does your young reader love non-fiction? Are they an inventor? A doctor? A kid with big ideas? Looking for books that encourage a growth mindset? The “Learning from Bad Ideas” series is for anyone who wants to know what worked, what didn’t, and why. Medical Mishaps: Learning from Bad Ideas. Captsone, 2020…. Read more »