
How to Be A Better Blogger (Part 1)

This is the guilt pen. I forgot it at a client’s office one day, and when I came back, noticed it on her desk. “How’s your blogging going?” I asked. “Slow,” she replied. “I just can’t seem to sit down and do it. I’m more motivated when you’re here to push me.” I noticed my… Read more »

Gilda’s Club Name Change?

How do you feel about the imminent change starting in the Madison Gilda’s Club organization to the Cancer Support Community? To me, it feels a little like someone not interested in explaining their brand and instead choosing a name that is more SEO-friendly. But I could be wrong. Language and word choice is very important… Read more »

Can You State Your Business Goals?

Early in conversations with potential clients, I ask them to state their goals for me. If they can’t state a measurable goal, I encourage them to work it out and then come back and continue the conversation with me. It’s not that I don’t want the business. I just don’t want a dissatisfied customer. And… Read more »

Would Your Remove Skills from Your LinkedIn Profile?

Sure you would – and should – if they don’t describe the kind of work you are doing and want to do. LinkedIn can be a fantastic resource for connecting with potential clients, resources and partners. A good review of your social media profiles is essential when you’re hoping to make the right kinds of connections… Read more »

How can knitting improve your writing?

Knitting is an obvious metaphor for writing. Using your own two hands, you hold the needles and weave together a lovely fabric. You choose the yarn, you choose the pattern and you choose the end product. Along the way, you encounter problems. You miss a stitch. Holes appear. Something goes wrong. You have choices in… Read more »

Word Choice is Key

The language and words we choose show if we’re locals or tourists – and if we know what we’re talking about. When you visit New York City, you want to go to “the Hi Line” not “Hi Line Park.” And if you’re looking for good Cuban food you ask the taxi driver to take you… Read more »

Do you have trouble focusing?

In a two-hour delay at LaGuardia, I wrote up a 400-word interview, 2 blog posts for my business and one for my personal blog. I had a little trouble focusing because I was worried about my toddler who was rushed to the hospital earlier that morning due to an asthma flare-up. But if you have… Read more »

Does Your Business Need a Social Media Coach?

I work out a lot – for fun, for stress relief, and because it’s in my nature to set and strive to achieve goals. To help me reach these fitness goals, I hired a coach. Having a coach gives me accountability and someone to help me overcome obstacles and celebrate my successes. For my clients,… Read more »

News – Now offering professional editing

Sweet Tooth Communications, LLC is proud to announce a new partnership with the Women’s Independent Press! If you have an editing, ghostwriting, publishing or book promotion projects contact the Women’s Independent Press for more information. Women’s Independent Press/ Women’s Yellow Pages P.O. Box 9687 Pittsburgh, PA 15226 412-563-6712